Our youth give back to the community by coming out and clearning and maintaining the Princeton Woods Area (Single Family Homes and Townhomes)
Each summer, the youth go out into the neighborhoods and feed the youth, in an effort to help combat hunger amongst our youth!
Annually, TCYouth Inc. visits the Ronald McDonald Houses of Northern VA & DC to clean, bake cookies and donated much needed items.
In 2019, TCY implemented the "Pillowcase Smiles" Project. The youth come out and learn how to make pillowcases and then donate the "HANDMADE" pillowcase packages to all incoming families of the houses.
TCYouth provided a "Pre-Thanksgiving" meal for over 200 people as well as delivered over 53 baskets and prepared meals to the families of the communities!
TCYouth donated jeans, tops, socks, hats, coats and more.
TCY’s Transitional Teens Mentor Program donated care packages to the teens transitioning out of the shelter. packages consist of hygiene items, socks, feminine hygiene products, non-perishable items, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, lotion and more …
crayons, games, toys, crayons, coloring books and more
Annually, TCY donates Swag bags to the Montclair elementary school for their promotional ceremonies.
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